Saturday, December 19, 2015

True Story

I love a good scary story.  Oh, baby, do I love one.  Been this way since I can remember.
When I was little, anything I could get my grubby little hands on that related to: ghosts, vampires, zombies, witches, I was in heaven.

Well, that is until bed time.

Having been blessed with an over active imagination, I would develop these elaborate ideas that monsters would eat me in my sleep. No question about it, every night I thought to myself, tonight is definitely the night that I'll lose a leg or arm due to a hungry monster! Please let it be from the left side of my body, I favored my right side. I have the cutest right hand.

In my on going battle of famished monsters, I used my stuffed animals as a protective wall and sacrificial food source.  The monster would go after the stuffed animals and spare me.  Genius! I had it all worked out, the smaller toys would be the first line of defense, then the bigger ones.  Surely that would stop any hungry monster from devouring me.  This plan spared me many a nights, allowing me to sleep peacefully, safely.